Feels like forever since I last blogged. Quick life update. Spent some time in Iowa over the fourth of July, which I was able to spend with family. I love my family. It is amazing how I can look at my siblings, as not only family but best friends as well. I give all the credit to Jesus. Jesus lives within each one of my brothers and sisters and I know that is why our relationships are so unique. While I was in Iowa I said good-bye to my sister Ashley and her husband Joe for a while, since they left for their 27 month adventure in Mali, Africa where they will be working for the Peace Corp. I’m completely jealous, but also am excited to see how God molds their hearts during their experience. Other than that my life is exactly the same. No job, great friends.
Today I am going to take a break from the topic of community, though I have a couple more areas of community I want to discuss. This will be done later. Right now God has been throwing something else my way. For about the past few weeks God has been challenging me with this idea of being an intentional Christian.
This whole concept for me is hard to convey on paper, but let’s give it a shot. Through my own personal walk, being completely “on fire” for Christ one second, wanting to live out a life completely dedicated to him, feeling attached and devoted, wanting to love others, and allowing God to enter into various areas of my life which then transcends into a luke warm or a semi- 62 degree relationship. This is a concept; I believe every Christian can relate to, which is referred to a lot of time as the “spiritual rollercoaster”.
I hate the spiritual rollercoaster. I love it when I am completely sold out for Christ. So why? Why is it like this? Why can’t we just get it and live it always. This is what I’ve come up with so far. Quite simple, I think its cause we live in a world covered with sin.
The sin acts as a barrier to having a continuous whole-hearted relationship with Jesus. As humans we are slaves to sin, but the freedom lies within Jesus, righteousness. This is where the intentional part comes in. As Christians we must be intentional, each day, about being in an active relationship with Jesus, to seek righteousness and break us from this bon of sin. It’s an intentional lifestyle.
Romans 6:16 Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey – whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?
We’ve made the point over and over, that life, as a Christian is not easy. Jesus calls us to much more than what “the world” offers. To reach that, to chase after that, I have to as a Christian intentionally and actively seek God everyday. A visit to church on Sunday, reading scripture every once in a while, praying when I want to, seeking God when it’s convenient, are areas that are going to keep me in this rollercoaster.
Intentional – reading scripture everyday, maintaining a healthy prayer life, being in discussions with friends and family about Jesus, being involved with Church or other faith based organizations, pursuing a healthy Christian community, serving, sharing Jesus, allowing God to challenge your beliefs, continually learning, daily devotionals / “quiet times”, etc…
Yesterday at Church, the Pastor Justin spoke about worship, which fits in exactly with this idea of being intentional everyday. I’m going to try to sum it up, very briefly, and suck at it, but bear with me. He spoke out of Romans 1:12 and how we are in active worship every day all day. Everything we do is because we are worshiping something. In these acts of worship we are given two choices, to worship God or someone/something else. For example, every night we choose to either worhip our body by going straight to sleep or worship God, by spending some time in prayer. A little more in-depth, many of us choose to worship image over God. Comparing ourselves to others, not being satisfied with who we are, wanting more, etc… Which leads to envy, insecurities, anger, and pulls us farther away from Jesus.
Intentional. All day every day. Crazy. Worth it. The best thing about this whole concept, that I love, is that I want to be intentional about Jesus. It’s not cause I have this book with all these rules and regulations, which if I don’t follow I’m going to hell. It’s cause I’m in love with Jesus and in Jesus there is freedom from this dark, horrible, and depressing world. I want a life of freedom. I want to “live the dream” and “enjoy the journey”.
Think about a life of no spiritual rollercoaster’s. You are always on a spiritual high, ready to tackle anything. Always feeling like that summer at Younglife camp, when you hear a good Sunday sermon, that drive home after a good discussion about Jesus, those times when you feel God the most. All day every day. The implications are huge. I want that.
What are your guy’s thoughts? Any ideas of how to make this intentional life style easier?