Wednesday, October 29, 2008


“We Claim this truth as Christians. All has been forgiven. But let’s also use a slightly different phrase: the work of the cross is in us. There is Jesus’ death on our behalf once and for all, there is the ongoing work of the cross in our hearts and minds and souls and lives. There is the ongoing need to return to the cross to be reminded of our brokenness and dependence on God. There is the healing we need from the cross every day” – Rob Bell

I think I have become so content with life and where God has placed me, that I ignore the brokenness or hurt in my life. Life has become tolerable, which is apart of believing in a God bigger then this world.  But I don’t want tolerable, I want freedom from all brokenness. 

 Where is the brokenness? I’ve moved along with my life, left some issues unresolved, and am moving past them – unaddressed.

 Contentment sometimes blinds us from reality. I know there are regrets, insecurities, and anger that reside in my life that I am blinded to, because of this contentment.

 Unaddressed sin, brokenness, hurt, pain, etc…. are all ways in which Satan pulls us farther away from restoration and our original design and ultimately a full and complete relationship with Jesus.

 Thank God that I believe. Restoration is only found through Jesus – the cross wasn’t only about forgiveness, forgiveness leads us to restoration. Salvation is for all of me. I want it all. I’m working on it.

 “It is one thing to be saved. To believe in Jesus. It is another thing to be healed. It is possible to be saved and miserable. It is possible to be saved and not be a healthy, whole, life-giving person. It is possible for the cross to have done something for a person but not in them”            – Rob Bell


  1. I loved this blog. I think it is my favorite, yet this far. You can make it seem that things are good on the outside but the UNaddressed issues in the inside can eat away at you. God is here to make everypart of us whole. And best of all, He wants everypart of us whole!!!!

    1 month and you will be here!!! West Africa or bust!!!

  2. Hey Aaron,
    As always, I love your words of wisdom. I wanted to give you this new blog address. Update your links! Love you brother!
