OK, personal update. Did not receive the job with ICAN.org, but I came in second, which is worthless in obtaining a job, but great for self-esteem. Low on money, but high on life. God has allowed this jobless time for something else, which has been to build a few relationships further. Shout out to Dom and Steve. Side note- It’ funny how we get stuck in meeting the standards of society, that we forget how God works differently. God wasn’t looking for a job with me, at least at this point, God was placing his hands in other places. I was so involved in trying to find a job, that I didn’t identify God’s labor else where, until basically last night. Moving on.
Alright, there are a few areas of thought that have been consuming me for the past few weeks, in which I’ll express as best as I can. Hopefully, you can help me. I also have an idea of a topic I want to address for the next few weeks as well, but I’ll explain that later.
Community. This idea of community has been dragging and jerking me in all different directions. I believe that this issue has been intentionally laid on my heart, which I’m trying to figure out as well. So let’s get heated.
Our “Christian Community” today, I suspect, for the most part, is very far from the Community that Christ intended for us. I have come to believe this is due to two separate areas: 1. We’ve become too intertwined with the world we live in, that we have begun to take on worldly characteristics and most of us are totally unaware of it. 2. The nature of sin has led us down a path of individualism, in which we’ve chosen to push aside various teachings of Jesus and pick and choose what is comfortable for ourselves.
As Jesus quoted to a lawyer, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all mind, and with all your strength. And your neighbor as yourself”
Love thy God, basically fully, with everything you got. Love God. As Becca pointed out from the previous post, with seeking God and righteousness, our Love becomes active. Which is pointed out in “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Huge implications in that statement, especially how we have grown to love our selves A LOT. A question I began to ask myself is, how much time do we dedicate to our selves? I’m going to go ahead and make up a statistic and say the time we use on ourselves has to be in the 90 percentile. Shopping for instance, how often do we shop for our neighbor vs. our self? Hm…..
So, when Jesus says, “Love your neighbor as yourself” that would completely change everything. And think of what it would do. Would poverty exist? Would there be hunger? And I’m convinced believers would continually multiply, due to the works, produced from a loving body. And so on.
I think the hardest part about this concept, is what does loving our neighbor fully look like. Other than a yearly charity donation, a one-dollar bum giveaway, or coffee once a week with a friend, though those are all important and good – for many it’s not challenging enough. Pet peeve of mine (probably shouldn’t be), is when people say, in some type of certain context “I’m just going to love people”. What does that mean? How do we actively and love people in “all” situations? It is attractive and easy to say, but a lot of times that’s all it is, attractive and easy to say.
So let’s try and figure it out. Let’s dive into the word this next week and see what it tells us. How do we love our neighbor as our self? Perspectives. Stories. Whatever you got to offer, cause I throw in the towel of trying to figure it out alone. Also, I want to point out, though I make certain points, does not mean I am or feel that I am free of what I speak of. Guilty as charged.
Plus, the next few weeks, this idea of community, I want to belly flop into more. Meaning I want to hit it hard. There a couple more areas that I’ve been wrestling with, and need some help. Then, after we hit community and see where that takes us, I really want to see what Jesus and you guys have to say about money. I feel that this is at the root of a lot of evil and would make for an interesting topic. So if you want, I’m going to be reading a short and easy, but from what I’ve been told, an impacting book called, “The Treasure Principle” and you could too. That would be neat and helpful. Exciting.
i'm too tired to think of something clever, insightful, or thought-provoking to say.
ReplyDeleteso i'm sorry. I'll make up for it someday but at least you have 1 comment now.
Hi Bubba! Inga
ReplyDeleteBubba-winksi....such a crazy name for such a thought provoking "young man." :-) I tell you what it's hard to sit down and respond to your blog. It's got some great insight..and has made me think. It's funny, being a parent changes your whole perspective on things.
ReplyDelete"Love your neighbor as yourself." I think you hit the nail on the head in questioning what that really means. And I must say, guilt-ily, that I am a culprit. The shopping comment...lets just say it hit home. Ugh... I do think that if we truly LOVED each other the world would be a different place, but then I wonder would we rely on God as much, or just on each other? hmm....
So you ask, what does loving a neighbor as thyself look like? If you take the defintition of love from 1 Corinthians it gives us a literal defination of what love should look like.
...read this really slow....
"Love is patient PATIENT and KIND. Love is NOT JEALOUS or BOASTFUL or PROUD or RUDE. It does NOT DEMAND its own way. It is NOT IRRITIABLE, and it keeps NO RECORD of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but REJOICES WITH THE TRUTH Love NEVER gives up, NEVER loses faith, is always HOPEFUL, and ENDURES through every circumstance."
CRAZY STUFF!Can you imagine pursuing all the atributes of love!?
I tend to gloss over this verse as we hear it so often, but think if I really absorbed tht true meaning of all of the attributes of love and took these words for the truth that they really are...what if we endured all of these things. ....it's a crazy thought. The world would be a different place....but again I think, would we still rely on God? or just each other?
To be honest, I think that is what heaven looks like, full of love. What a beautiful place it will be!
Not sure if I am making sense, as i am just putting my thoughts into words...but thanks bubs....I need to go work on becoming a better "neighbor!"
Love you!
well... a... i am glad to be mentioned in this post... i feel important...
ReplyDelete2... i think being unemployed has been really good for you... that whole suffering... endurance... thing... God teaches u most when u are most reliant on him... and it is cool to see u in a place where most would be FREEKING out... and yet REJOICE in all circumstances... I mean that can only be attributed to the God in you... and I am so glad to see true joy in suffering...
d... loving our neighbor... ouch huh... way to make it hurt...I think u can only truly do this when u are no longer looking out for your self... but doing something fully for another... I have been so aware of my selfishness in this area the past few years... loving ur neighbor isnt easy... its doing it when it is hard... I think as Christians we think that serving God and others becomes easier... it becomes what we WANT to do... but this is a false statement... and until we realize that and love them when its hard.. we cannot be following this command!
ReplyDeleteThis post is very thought provoking:
As I myself am trying to live this out in my neighborhood here in austin!
There has been a lot of great points made and i think your right on when you said it is easy and attractive to "say" I love my neighbor but a whole different ball game when you take inactive love from your mouth and make it active love from your heart!
As i read through the scriptures this week and during my time of reading irresistible revolution i am continually challenged by the amount of time Jesus talks about loving God first and then your neighbor
He is really trying to pin point something here, i mean he was "the man" so i think he probably meant it!!
This concept of loving your neighbor is a challenge none the less...
I feel it is a challenge do to cultural norms i have been raised in here in America...things for the first time i am realizing are a result of my culture not of my God....and that is place were God can really break you, challenge you, and spur you on to Grow..
I have so much more to say but i am not a writer, so we can continue this discussion for it is something God is really shaking in this area in me, and it is SO very refining!
-sista spamy
Community...you know how Ive started writing things, like thoughts of the day type things? well this actually was one that I just wrote about...Community is a word that can be looked at in two ways. The first way is from a mountain top or a blimp, looking over the community, not an in depth look at the relationships and the bonds that make the community hold up, but and overall view that the community is in existence...this type of community is not what jesus is talking about when he mentions the body of christ...I think he is referring to the other type of community which is an active form of community. Community as God intended it from the beginning was 100% perfect. Adam was made to be in community with Eve and vice versa. We are supposed to rely on each other, supposed to love one another, supposed to help one another, and supposed to put others before ourselves. Community is an act of worship...yea sounds weird at first, but really think about it. One can worship through song, by hiking, by praying etc... because these are things that bring us closer to God, and it is considered worship because we are recognizing the greatness of God through song, prayer, and admiring the beauty of creation, so why should we not think of our community and actively living in it as worship? after all we are Gods creation. Therefore, community should be viewed as the greatest form of worship. However, not many of us do this on a daily basis. Instead we take for granted our friends, family, and our Jesus. We are easy to get upset, easy to cut people out and off, and we have conversations daily that are contrary to our own God and his intentions for community. He gives us each other so that we may love each other and rely on each other and worship him through each other...imagine the inexplicable feeling that you get from closing your eyes on sunday morning singing out to the lord, now imagine getting that feeling every time you were engaged with someone else... would that not be life changing?