Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ah, That's Perfect!

Hello all my brotha’s and sista’s. I’ve been meaning to blog the past couple of days, but because of my insanely busy schedule? I haven’t had time. No, I just have to be in the right frame of mind. And this morning I happen to be in that mind frame. Well, I don’t have a lot to say today, but I was really excited about what Justin had to say on Sunday. Which only makes me want to share it with my fellow bloggers. I also feel that the scripture answered a few questions from the last post and the comments that came afterwards.

Gitty-Up! Justin spoke on discipleship, which being a disciple of Jesus is living and walking as Jesus. Then emphasizing the purpose of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus, right? Living and walking is much more then just believing in Jesus as our savior, the word and truth are taken into our lifestyle. We chase after truth and live by the truth. We’ve talked about this before, being a Christian means being an active follower of Christ. But let’s take it to a whole other level.

The greatness of knowing Christ surpasses EVERYTHING. Do I/you truly believe that? If the answer is yes, then what are the implications of such a belief? God is better then anything and above everything. It’s a good thing. Not a dictatorship type betterness, a freeing, loving, and at peace betterness. I want to have a perfect relationship with Jesus, since it is the best possible life to live.

Philippians 3:12

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of what for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider yourself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

God wants a perfect relationship with us. I deem that awesome. That God of the universe wants to have a perfect relationship with me.

Sin exists, which keeps us from this perfect relationship, but do not let sin be an excuse. When I thought about this all I could think about was this idea of a Dead Christian (those words contradict themselves) versus an Alive Christian. A Dead Christian being someone who is stagnant in his or her relationship with Jesus. In a stand still, no growth. An Alive Christian, someone that is experiencing movement and growth towards Jesus. Each step taken to increase that relationship is a step taken towards establishing a perfect relationship with Jesus. No matter where we are at in our relationship. Conquering sin one step at a time. Though we determine how fast or slow we want this progression to take and the implications of our determination.

This is what God said to me on Sunday,

“I want a Perfect relationship with you. In that I will give you the greatest Joy, the most Strength, and the grandest power in Sharing who I am.”


  1. Brother Bubba,
    Keep the wisdom rolling, they are inspirational and challenging. I think you should be deemed our Sunday Preacher while we are here in Mali. You could email us sermons, since you seem to have a gift. I love you!!!!

  2. Bubba:
    I was reading through your blog again and for some reason this sentence stood out to me:

    " Each step taken to increase that relationship is a step taken towards establishing a perfect relationship with Jesus. No matter where we are at in our relationship"

    If that ain't the truth then I wasn't born in the US of A and my mama name ain't debbie!

    It is true in life we have these "choices" that arise within us, wether the temptation comes directly from the evil one or just a reaction of our sinful flesh we stand in that choice.....wether to choose truth (life) or lies (death)

    To continue to be alive christian in those moments we must choose truth no matter how challenging that may seem to make the next choice ...we must hold on to truth (the scriptures and the discernment of the holy spirit)

    And believe me due to our sinful nature and the fall we are bound choose wrong and probably more then oh you know one or two times, but it should not stop us from continually pursuing that perfect relationship with Christ!

    (i mean just cuz in high school I wasn't oh you the fasted kid on the track team and lost many times, i continued to do track and try my hardest, and if I can do that for something as mundane as high school track i better get off my booty and do that for the King of Kings, you know what I am sayin'!)

    But in those moments the challenge is to choose life the truth:
    I think to it is important that we do that in the small things so when the big choices come along it is easier to recognize truth and choose it.
    For our flesh is so easily entangled in the things of this world sometimes...

    Another thing this made me think of as I pondered us pursuing and choosing truth:
    it just reminded me that The Perfect Lord pursued an alive relationship with me with a passion 10 fold that in which I could ever try to pursue him with...and all though there were times i turned my back to him...he continued to chase after me...(now that is LOVE!)
    now that is what I want to do for my father chase after him with all I have.. mind, body, and soul...and in that i think being an alive christian will become who you are not what your striving for!

    I know a little off topic of blog, but it is just what struck me as i was reading your blog!!

    peace up A-town down:
    sista spamy:
    Keep pursuing Him bubba!!

  3. my vision of what you say, buba, seems rather simple to me.

    i see it like this: the Lord places us all on our own pathway. the beginning of each path starts at our birth. as we grow physically, mentally and spiritually we begin to venture down this personal path. we have many choices to make as we pursue the long and toiling walk, of life. the Lord puts many detours on our pathway that extend from the main route. these detours are choices that we make along the way. each choice comes in differnet forms...some in voice, some in action, some in silence and some in toil.

    the detours are our choices OR in some cases NON choices that we make along the way. as we push forward to reach the end of our trail, which is eternity. ..

    it is the different side trails that we take the time to walk that make us become more alive or more dead in our faith and cement our relationship with Jesus. It is ever so SAFE to stay stong and steady on the Main is engaging and rewarding when we venture off the Y in the road. And when we COME to know that Jesus walks besides us ??? WOW, that is icing on the cake !! that's what it's all about :-)

    i'm so simplistic...don't you think?...
    love ya,
    aka mom

    keep paving the road named "blog"....
