Saturday, December 20, 2008

Second Half

I calculated that I haven't been in Mali even half of the time that I will fully spend here. Wierd. I feel like I've been gone for a while. 17 days spent/20 days left. Should I feel guilty about living the dream so hard core? Nope.

The first half of the trip, a lot of time has been spent in Ashley and Joe's village. Which has been awesome and will be nearly impossible to top, but we'll see. Relationships, relationships, relationships: as of right now, i've concluded the best part of traveling and seeing the world is the relationships built in the process. Meeting new individuals, observing their different "way of life", and gaining new perspectives from that relationship is truly the fun part. That's definitely what Joe and Ashley's village "Kalibombo" has offered.

The second half of the trip, will be quite different then the first half - more traveling, more adventure seeking, and river floating...

The plan is to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with other Peace Corps volunteer's at different locations in Mali, which I'm not sure of - i'm pretty much just along for the ride. The little brother that just tags along. Kind of weird that Christmas is nearly here and I haven't seen a Christmas tree, snow, presents, a nativity scene, etc... It'll be a different Christmas, but we'll still celebrate the birth of our Savior like rock stars.

More questions that I'm thinking through: How does my generation connect two worlds (U.S. and the Third World) that have been so disconnected for so long? Not financially connect, but relationally connect.

What do I hold as core principles in my life? Do I reflect those on a daily bases? How much of my world is consumed by myself?

As a nation, have we economically progressed too much? Is there such a thing? Does our financial wealth, material possessions, and technological advancements pull us farther away from looking like the social structure that Christ intended?

Chew on it for a little bit and try to spit something out. At some point I will answer all these questions I'm asking, not with answers, but with my thoughts.

Okay. Peace from Mail, West Africa. And dangit, comment on my blog - it's the fun part.

On our way to Ashley and Joe's Village "Kalibombo" for the first time

Joe and Ashley's house in the village (I tried to be artistic)

Our outfits during thier celebration/holiday - we pull it off well?


  1. Hmmm, tough questions, possibly unanswerable. But for the sake of reciprocating what you're throwing out there, I'll attempt to answer.

    "As a nation, have we economically progressed too much?"

    This is the first time I've heard this question posed, and as I read it my eyes had to squint from the bright light of the bulb going off above my head. Yes, I think we have. We are constantly focused, and taught to be focused on advancing. There's always something new we can invent, buy, sell, spend our money on. When we are constantly taught this, we seek it. We take the attention off of ourselves and more importantly off the people around us. Think if we had the desire to advance the lives of people around us more than the desire to advance our own lives.

    Crap. This is a slippery slope. All advancement isn't bad, but we have gotten so focused and comfortable in being in the state of wanting that we don't know what its like not to desire anymore.

    And to bring Christ into it...the social structure he desires for us....Imagine if we used the time and energy He's blessed us with to His glory. It's unimaginable. Out of reach? Maybe, maybe not. What if we could use the progress of America, set down our selfish lives and show others what power America truly has. I'm surprised we're not an Island, cause we act like it. There are plenty that are doing good, reaching across borders, (figuratively speaking or not) but they are the minority. Even just having the mindset of wanting to truly know the person sitting next to you, or across the world is rare to find.

    Hmmmm, keep writing. Please.

    P.s why do so many of those men have guns? And why are they all pointing them at the cameraman? (I think I'm gonna make a quilt for you with that pic printed on it.)

    As always, stay safe and look out for Jesus, I feel as if he may have followed you there. :-D

    You are missed. A lot.

  2. [I think I just posted a blog instead of a comment. Sorry, but thank you for making us think]

  3. I noticed in the first vidoe that there were cars and trucks driving around, then in the next one you guys were riding off into the sunset on bikes...what the cars for you? :)

  4. you three are quit the TRIO! So amusing
    i love reading your thoughts--so solid. then the next thing ya know, your looking for ice cream--so western.
